The Grim Truth // July 2014 - A comparison of Orwell's fictional world of Oceania from 1984 and modern society including topics such as government surveillance, national security, and totalitarian governments.
Facing Overpopulation in Brave New World // May 2015 - A side by side breakdown of how Huxley's society in Brave New World dealt with the problem of overpopulation and how our modern society will have to deal with the same problem.
Relating Authenticity and Isolation in Catcher in the Rye // September 2015 - An exploration of the dichotomy of Holden Caulfield's feelings of superiority and estrangement from society.
Misattribution of Attraction in Dracula // January 2016 - An analysis of Stoker's use of the scientific theory of misattribution in his development of tone and theme in his novel.
Modernism in “Monday and Tuesday” // May 2017 - An examination of the bidirectional effects of the Modernist period on Virginia Woolf’s writing.
The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Religion // April 2018 - A literature review of the research so far on the origin of religion through the lenses of cognitive, social, and moral psychology.
The Utilization of Cognitive Psychology in Artificial Intelligence Research // May 2018 - A review of the literature on the intertwined nature of cognitive psychology and AI, in regards to topics such as object recognition, working memory, and metacognition.
Narcissism and Substance Use in College Students // May 2018 - A full research paper done on a sample of undergraduate college students testing the hypothesis that narcissism is a predictor of substance use.
Hot Fuzz: Mastering the Art of Comedy Editing // November 2018 - An analysis of the intricately executed editing techniques used in the film Hot Fuzz.
Attachment Differences in Platonic and Romantic Relationships // December 2018 - An exploration of the idea that conceptualizing platonic and romantic relationships disparately is due to cultural cognitive schemas rather than innate and universal distinctions.
London Aesthetics through Art, Film, and Advertising // February 2019 - An exploration of the color tones and usage of symbolism in British visual media to provide a cohesive aesthetic experience.
A Different Language: Communication as Quality in Film // March 2019 - A discourse on the definition of quality in regards to film.